Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Small Tango World

We enjoy spending time with the locals, chatting up taxi drivers, waiters and shop keepers, and dancing with other tangueros, three or so very involved minutes at a time.  But it's also amazing how often we run into Americans that we know or recognize.  Of course when we think about it it's not that strange; these are Americans we know through tango, they're here for tango, and we keep running into them at tango venues.

In several of the milongas we go to we keep seeing this one lady who's only somewhat familiar.  We assume she's from Los Angeles, that we've seen her in milongas there.  Then one evening Flo tells Marcos, "you know, I should introduce you to this friend of mine, she's a very good dancer, and she's from Greece," and she heads to where this lady's sitting.

On the way Marcos tries to reconcile these new facts.  She's not from L.A.  She's Greek.  But he's not met her in Greece, he's sure.  Flo says, "Δανάη, this is my friend Marcos..."  And he then says, "yes, and we know each other, you're Δανάη Θεοδωροπούλου, we danced some tangos in Istanbul."

Marcos and Melody spent several days in Istanbul last spring.  It was not a tango trip but one night they decided to drop in at a milonga, at the top of the Pointe Hotel.  They danced together and with some other people there.  One of them, a very good dancer, was Greek, but naturally both she and Marcos assumed that the other was Turkish and a comedy routine ensued while each served his limited Turkish, then, as true nationalities were slowly revealed, one thought that the other was still Turkish serving his limited Greek, etc., until everything was sorted out.  After three songs they parted, joking, well, maybe we'll see each other again, at some milonga somewhere... hey! maybe even in Buenos Aires, hah hah!, you never know!

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